Handwashing - protect and soothe with anti-bacterial soap and cream pack

Simple, everyone can do it, and effective in helping keep you safe from coronavirus (COVID 19). Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and dry hands completely.  Then protect hands with anti-bacterial High Factor Peony Root Skin Remedy cream.

Washing hands is essential but using the wrong product can cause havoc on your skin - especially if you're prone to eczema or have sensitive skin.

Our soap- the Healing Body Bar - was developed specifically for eczema prone skin and it's anti-bacterial properties make it an ideal choice for the whole family.  Available in a handy tin so you can take it with you and use wherever you are.  Gentle and effective.

Hand sanitizers, soaps with irritants or perfumes, or repeatedly washing your hands can cause irritation and inflammation.  We recommend using our High Factor Peony Root Skin Remedy.  The concentrated peony extract in the cream will soothe, hydrate and repair your hands.  We recommend you use it after you wash and dry your hands everytime.

Available in the small pack for $30 (20ml cream and a soap in a tin) or the large discounted pack (80ml cream and soap in a tin) for $69. Free shipping within NZ.

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